SCRATCH – Coding Workshop

February 11th, we participated in a coding workshop that introduced us to the online hosted SCRATCH program. This program is geared towards introducing learners to the world of “coding,” although the extent to which we interacted with it could not rightly be defined as coding in the general meaning; as we were simply playing with predetermined, or pre-coded, functions. This is not to detract from the legitimacy of the program itself, and in fact I do believe after exploring other areas of the website that there are introductory programming language lessons one can participate in if they choose.

SCRATCH, in the capacity we interacted with it, does introduce learners to certain concepts which affiliate with coding. Concepts such as loops, conditions, and syntax build a portfolio of processes integral to coding which set learners in an ideal position once they start learning the actual language which makes coding possible. For these reasons, I think that SCRATCH is without question a very versatile program that provides many learning opportunities for learners of any age dependant on their interests and inclinations. I think it is also worth noting that the KCJ website which hosts SCRATCH, also has several other options under the Projects and Activities section including HTML, Python, and a section on AI and Algorithms. Personally, I found myself much more excited upon finding these sections.

If coding is a passion for a learner, and something they wish to pursue for either career or mastery reasons, Python is arguably the best entry point for beginners. It has the most accessible language, and according to several programming experts is quite easy to learn (Kolakowski). HTML is one of the leading markup languages for web-based scripting, and while incredibly difficult to learn due to its constantly shifting and adapting language, is more or less integral to developing any sort of coded project which accesses the internet. The fact that this website offers learners access to training in this capacity is, I think, truly remarkable and should be disseminated as wide as possible.

As far as my own use in the classroom; I can see a few potential options, however I am still up in the air for several reasons. I can see myself creating graphic and visual representations using the SCRATCH program; however in my own editing capacity I am much more familiar with other programs that suite my purposes completely. I can also see applications within the English and Social Studies respective curricula, however I question whether the introduction of learning a relatively complex program for the purpose of loosely playing with concepts is a productive use of time. Certainly, it could be made available as an option for students to use in projects they are participating in; but I feel like as far as my own lesson planning; I owe it to my students to be a bit more creative.

One thing that I absolutely intend to bring to my classroom from this resource is the section on understanding AI and Algorithmic functions. Personally, with the rapid and exponential shift/emphasis to digital “connectivity,” I think it is imperative that as an educator I practice due diligence in making sure that students understand both the overt, and passive functions of the algorithms and artificial intelligence they interact with almost daily. Immediately I begin to consider how units in both Social Studies, and English could be developed around internet security, privacy, manipulation, and the potential avenues for social justice. Content such as The Social Dilemma, a movie produced by Larissa Rhodes, could be interwoven with practical and hands on activities; learning the realities behind the Social Media movement.

I think in these times, well informed learners are learners with the tool set to defend themselves from a space of social discourse where law, security, and safety have distances to close, in orders of magnitude, until they catch up with the bestially progressive and expansive nature of the digital enterprise. I owe it to any individual I interact with while claiming the role of educator, to express my belief in, and my concern for, the frivolity we are expressing in our continuous lust for shiny digital trinkets. How many individuals who have taken it on themselves to create spaces that expose children to the online world, and all the risks associated with it, have also taken it on themselves to become learned in cyber security, in understanding the networks of AI, of algorithmic manipulation behind the companies that make their platforms accessible? I just don’t know. What I do know is that for every person striving to encapsulate, and intertwine the learning experience within the realm of the digital; there needs to be an equal and opposite voice reminding us all to go outside. I choose to be the latter.

Thank you.

Kolakowski, N. (2021, January 12). Python Training: 4 Big Things to Know About the Programming Language. DICE.;%20and%20not%20only,,%20CTO%20at%20Pixolution,%20recently%20told%20Dice%20.

Resources For Educators | (n.d.). Kids Code Jeunesse. Retrieved February 14, 2021, from

The Film. (2020, September 9). The Social Dilemma.

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